Military Games

Military Games

Game Reviews: Hearts of Iron IV

By Joseph Luster & James Hart

Considering the fact that grand strategy game Hearts of Iron III came out back in 2009, the wait for the proper numbered sequel has been a long one. Read more

Military Games

September Military Games

By Joseph Luster

At first glance—especially for those who aren’t too familiar with Japanese games—it might be hard to imagine Sega’s Valkyria Chronicles as a hardcore wartime strategy game. Read more

Looking to play rock-paper-scissors with a full naval fleet? As Joseph Luster explains in his game review, World of Warships can deliver.

Military Games

Game Reviews: World of Warships

by Joseph Luster

As you might expect, Warships takes the formula that made outings like World of Tanks and World of Warplanes lasting successes and expands upon them, this time with gameplay based on the principles of a real fleet. Read more

Military Games

Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum

By Joseph Luster

Originally released in 2013, Paradox Development Studio’s Europa Universalis IV offers myriad ways to conquer the world. Whether you want to become a colonial superpower, strongarm rival nations through military prowess, or become dominant in the world of trade, it’s all up to your own strategic abilities. Read more

Military Games

Brothers in Arms: Furious 4

By Joseph Luster

At first glance—a very distant first glance, that is—one might mistake Furious 4 for another simple addition to the storied Brothers in Arms franchise. Read more

Military Games

Pearl Harbor Trilogy: Red Sun Rising

By Joseph Luster

The concept of a beefy but downloadable Wii dogfighting series seems like a surefire bet. Though visual flare isn’t necessarily one of the strong suits of Nintendo’s console, there are other more valuable assets that work well for the genre: namely, motion controls. Read more

With innovative controls and a truly immersive experience, Capcom might have the makings of a real virtual war with Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor.

Military Games

Game Reviews: Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor

by Joseph Luster

Giant mechs duking it out in an alternate future United States might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think ‘World War II,’ but the nitty gritty of Capcom’s complex franchise draws more than a few parallels. Read more

Military Games

Slitherine Group’s Soviet Corps

By Joseph Luster

The classic strategy stylings of the Panzer General series recently made a big comeback on PC and iPad in the form of Panzer Corps, a spiritual successor that puts players in charge of the Axis armies across 26 scenarios. Read more

Military Games

Valkyria Chronicles Remastered

By Joseph Luster

Sega’s Valkyria Chronicles, which originally debuted on PlayStation 3 back in 2008, is one of the better examples of the “alternate universe” World War II game. Read more

Military Games

World of Tanks on PS4

By Joseph Luster

Every time a new version of World of Tanks is released I get the opportunity to remind myself that I’m really bad at World of Tanks. Read more

Military Games

Grand Ages: Medieval

The Grand Ages series of city-building strategy games can be traced back to 2006’s Glory of the Roman Empire, which was developed by Haemimont Games. Read more

Will Reload Studios be able to bring first-person shooters into virtual reality? It's not exactly a new idea, but they still might deliver...

Military Games

Game Reviews: World War Toons

by Joseph Luster

If there’s one place that hasn’t had much opportunity to spread its wings in the world of World War II-related games, it’s virtual reality. Read more