Military Games
DICE’s Battlefield 1943
By Joseph LusterBattlefield 1943, for all its back-to-the-shores World War II familiarity, is the type of online-only game that remains relevant well past its July debut. Read more
Military Games
Battlefield 1943, for all its back-to-the-shores World War II familiarity, is the type of online-only game that remains relevant well past its July debut. Read more
Military Games
Not every war is a hot one. East India Company for the PC from Paradox Interactive is a strategic trading game with tactical combat elements set during the high age of European sail and exploration. Read more
Military Games
Although it covers the same time period, region of the world, and subject as the first Crown of Glory, Matrix Games’ new Crown of Glory: Emperor’s Edition for the PC is in fact such a complete overhaul of the original that it is basically a new game. Read more
Military Games
Men of War from 1C Company for the PC is a real-time strategy game set during World War II. Read more
Military Games
Creative Assembly, and its publishers at Sega, have become the last, best hope of grognards who want triple A quality wargames on the PC. Read more
Military Games
The third game in the Strategic Command series from Fury Software for the PC is Strategic Command: WWII Pacific Theater. Read more
Military Games
Mosby’s Confederacy from Tilted Mill Entertainment for the PC and available on both Steam and Gamers Gate is a combined tactical and strategic level game about the mechanics of partisan warfare in the Civil War. Read more
Military Games
To celebrate its 50th anniversary [we now pause for a second while we all feel old], Avalon Hill has released an anniversary edition of its most successful game: Axis and Allies. Read more
Military Games
When considering whether to buy Sniper Art of Victory from City Interactive for the PC, it is worth remembering that the game only costs $20.00. Read more
Military Games
One of the signs of how many games devoted to the first person portrayal of the in the trenches, down the rifle sight experience of combat in World War II there have been is that Ubisoft is now releasing Brother’s in Arms Hell’s Highway, a big-budget, multiplatform (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) game that recreates the Allies’ defeat by the Germans in Operation Market Garden. Read more
Military Games
The Golden Horde from WordForge for the PC is a real-time strategy game set during the 13th century, right after the death the Genghis Khan. Read more
Military Games
Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution, from Firaxis for the Xbox 360, PS3, and DS, is not a traditional war simulation. Read more
Military Games
Some games take a small part of WWII and try to model it very closely. Some games take the whole of the war and try to model it very broadly. Read more
Military Games
If you have children, there is a good chance that you also have a Wii. And if you have a Wii, you’ve probably played tennis on it, and maybe even gone fishing, but you probably have not played a war game on the console, or if you have, it may have been Medal of Honor Vanguard, previously the best war game available on the Wii. Read more
Military Games
The Roman conquest of Briton in ad 43 is modeled in the new board game from Avalanche Press, Rome at War: Queen of the Celts. Read more
Military Games
This issue’s column looks at two strategic, turn-based computer games that model the European Theater in World War II. Read more
Military Games
A new entry in the Call of Duty series of games usually gets reviewed in WWII History, but this time Infinity Ward and Activison have changed the time period of their popular franchise. Read more
Military Games
The Soviet counterintelligence agency known as SMERSH is so famous for its role in Ian Flemming’s James Bond novels, that its real, historical role is comparatively unknown. Read more
Military Games
Nintendo’s DS has never been a platform that wargamers buy specifically for wargames. It is a system that has a lot of good games, but it doesn’t have any “killer application” wargames that would force a military hobbyist to pick one up. Read more
Military Games
Enemy Engaged 2, from G2 Games for the PC, is a sequel that was seven years in the coming. Read more