Military Games

Military Games

Supreme Ruler 2010, Rome: Total War, and SOCOM 3

By Eric T. Baker

Battlegoat Studio’s Supreme Ruler 2010 for the PC has the look of an old school, tabletop, map-and-counters-wargame, but it has the video game smarts that make it vastly more playable than a board game with this much detail would be. Read more

Military Games

Imperial Glory and Cossacks II

By Eric T. Baker

Two games of very similar subject matter are on tap this month. Eidos Interactive’s Imperial Glory, and CDV Software’s Cossacks II. Read more

Military Games

Defiant Russia, Road to Hill 30

By Eric T. Baker

At a cost of only $20, Avalanche Press’s new board game Defiant Russia: the War Against Nazi Aggression is a terrific value and an excellent introduction to the hobby of tabletop wargaming. Read more

Military Games

Rome: Total War

By Eric T. Baker

Fans of ancient combat are in luck due to the release of Rome: Total War for the PC from Activision. Read more

Military Games

Codename: Panzers

By Eric T. Baker

Codename: Panzers from CDV for the PC uses the troops, equipment, and tanks of World War II as the fodder for a real-time strategy game. Read more

Military Games

Vietnam is the setting for two action games.

By Eric T. Baker

The Battlefield franchise is famous for its on-line, multiplayer depictions of World War II combat. Battlefield Vietnam for the PC brings the action into the 20th century and provides the players with modernized weaponry and vehicles, while adding a more immersive infantry experience. Read more

Military Games

Commandos and Ghosts

By Eric T. Baker

World War II continues to be very hot on the video game front. Commandos 3: Destination Berlin puts the player in command of an elite unit of Special Forces behind enemy lines in Europe. Read more

Military Games

The Battle Above the Clouds

By Eric T. Baker

Avalanche Press has two new games out. The first is Dave Powell’s War of the States: Chickamauga & Chattanooga, the second in the War of the States series. Read more

Military Games

Granada: A Turning Point in History

By Eric T. Baker

Hard as it may be to remember today, most of Spain was once in Arab hands. For over 700 years, Spanish Christians tried to end the Arab kingdoms of southern Spain, while the Moors (as the Spanish referred to them) saw the Spaniards as backward and barbaric. Read more

Military Games

Uncommon Valor

By Eric T. Baker

Uncommon Valor: Campaign for the South Pacific is new from Matrix Games. Together with legendary game designer Gary Grigsby, Joel Billings and Keith Brors of 2by3Games have created an operational campaign game of the South Pacific during World War II. Read more