Military Games

Military Games

Military Games

Coming To Your Console This Summer

By Joseph Luster

There are strategy games, and there are strategy games. You know what I mean when I get all italicized like that; I’m talking about the difference between simply sending units out across a grid-based map to do battle, and actually getting the player involved in the diplomacy of war. Read more

Military Games

Panzer Corps

By Joseph Luster

If everything goes the way developer the Lordz Games Studio is hoping, then this year will be host to something really special for fans of strategy games. Read more

Military Games

IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover

By Joseph Luster

The last game in 1C’s IL-2 Sturmovik series, Birds of Prey, was a real treat in 2009, as illustrated in our own head-to-head clash with Heroes Over Europe (both titles published by Ubisoft). Read more

Military Games

Three Games For Budding Tacticians

By Joseph Luster

There may not be a lot of big names in the modern warfare game coming out over the remainder of 2010 and the first few months of 2011, but that doesn’t mean that WWII-based titles are completely off the radar. Read more

Military Games

Heavy Fire: Special Operations

By Joseph Luster

Developer Teyon’s downloadable Heavy Fire: Special Operations offers a potentially promising mixture of elements that have fused together seamlessly in the past. Read more

Military Games

World War II Through The Window Of E3 2010

By Joseph Luster

Though recent years have seen a bit of a back-and-forth with the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles—big changes transformed the convention into a smaller, more exclusive event, only to completely rebound—things are more or less back to normal. Read more

Military Games

War On Demand

By Joseph Luster

There are plenty of deployment options out there for full-price retail warriors; those who would gladly plunk down on the latest available war experience on the platform of their choosing. Read more

Military Games

Army of Two: The 40th Day

By Joseph Luster

In the not too distant past of 2008, Army of Two introduced us all to a world of private military contractors, putting the player behind the slightly horrific steel masks of Elliot Salem and Tyson Rios. Read more

Military Games

The Eternal Call Of Duty

By Joseph Luster

After only a few days on store shelves, Modern Warfare 2, the latest in Activision’s lucrative line of first-person shooters, was already pushing absurd numbers. Read more

Military Games

Rewriting History the Wolfenstein Way

By Joseph Luster

Creative minds have been coming up with ways to mess with the events of World War II for some time, well before Quentin Tarantino took us through a reality warp and rearranged Hitler’s face with Inglourious Basterds. Read more

Military Games

Hearts of Iron III

By Eric T. Baker

When you sit down to start a game of Hearts of Iron III for the PC from Paradox Interactive, you can choose any year from 1936 to 1948 and play one of 150 different countries. Read more

Military Games

DICE’s Battlefield 1943

By Joseph Luster

Battlefield 1943, for all its back-to-the-shores World War II familiarity, is the type of online-only game that remains relevant well past its July debut. Read more

Military Games

Paradox Interactive’s East India Company

By Eric T. Baker

Not every war is a hot one. East India Company for the PC from Paradox Interactive is a strategic trading game with tactical combat elements set during the high age of European sail and exploration. Read more

Military Games

Crown of Glory

By Eric T. Baker

Although it covers the same time period, region of the world, and subject as the first Crown of Glory, Matrix Games’ new Crown of Glory: Emperor’s Edition for the PC is in fact such a complete overhaul of the original that it is basically a new game. Read more