Japanese Fighters Launch Operation Tsuzigiri
By Jon DiamondWhy was Myitkyina such an important objective in the reconquest of Burma in 1943 through 1944 for the Allies and especially among them, Lt. Read more
Why was Myitkyina such an important objective in the reconquest of Burma in 1943 through 1944 for the Allies and especially among them, Lt. Read more
Backstory: In the first installment, after heroically performing close air support missions for their Marine infantry brethren during several island invasions in 1944, U.S. Read more
Dear Sir,
As a World War II veteran of C Company, 134th Infantry, 35th Division, I certainly enjoyed Don Haines’s article on the Bedford Boys in the May 2012 issue of WWII History. Read more
Remember when you were a kid and the first assignment your teacher invariably gave you on the first day back at school was to write an essay on the topic of “What I Did On My Summer Vacation”? Read more
On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, the Brooklyn-class light cruiser USS Phoenix lay at anchor southeast of Ford Island in the supposed safety of Pearl Harbor. Read more
In last summer’s issue, I posed the rhetorical questions: Is World War II still relevant? Are people still interested in the topic? Read more
Dear Editor:
I enjoyed Richard Rule’s “David and Goliath” story of the midget submarine attack on the German battleship Tirpitz (May 2012 issue). Read more
In July 1942, the United States military stood at a crossroads in the Pacific. Scarcely a month after the great naval victory at Midway, during which four Japanese aircraft carriers were sunk and Japanese expansionist aims in the Central Pacific thwarted, the American land offensive was set to begin. Read more
Dear Editor:
I thought I would take a few minutes to compliment your recent choices for magazine cover photos showing German troops pictured late in the war. Read more
An organization known as the Malaysia Historical Group is making a substantial contribution to the continuing effort to document the wreck sites of World War II aircraft in Malaysia, Thailand, and India. Read more
The American Army that stormed the beaches of Normandy was mostly green but well trained. For months men practiced climbing down rope ladders into landing craft, exiting in columns of threes, racing across a beach, assaulting pillboxes, storming bluffs, and digging foxholes. Read more
We often hear that today’s “younger generation” cares nothing for the past, and that “history class” is just a synonym for “nap time.” Read more
Nearly 70 years after the conclusion of World War II, civilization has changed greatly. Communism in Eastern Europe has risen and fallen. Read more
Dear Editor:
I would like to provide some needed clarification of some points in “Divine Wind Over Okinawa” by Kelly Bell (September 2011). Read more
Seventy years after the attack on Pearl Harbor and America’s entry into World War II, the nation is once again at war. Read more
Like many true combat veterans, my father didn’t talk much about the war—in his case, World War II. We knew that he had served in France and Germany with the 79th Division, the famous “Cross of Lorraine” division. Read more
Dear Editor,
I have enclosed three photos that show without any doubt that the photo used in the “Tito’s War” article is a fake. Read more
The destroyer USS Buchanan (DD-131) was struck from the U.S. Navy roll on January 8, 1941, after being delivered to the British Royal Navy four months earlier to conclude the “Destroyers for Bases Deal,” a critical element of the Lend-Lease program. Read more
If the phrase “the clothes make the man” is true, then it is equally true that the uniform makes the soldier. Read more
At some point during this magazine’s three-month “shelf life,” the date December 7 will fall. As human society has a penchant for observing the fifth- and 10th-year anniversaries of certain events, this December 7 will be a significant one—the 70th anniversary of the Japanese attack on American military bases in the Pacific that catapulted the United States into World War II and forever changed the course of history. Read more