Turning the Tide
By Michael E. HaskewIn October 1942, at an obscure railroad whistlestop in the wastes of the Egyptian desert, the tide of World War II turned. Read more
In October 1942, at an obscure railroad whistlestop in the wastes of the Egyptian desert, the tide of World War II turned. Read more
As powerful, fast-moving German panzer and infantry columnsrampaged across Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, and into northern France early in May 1940, the British held their breath and watched apprehensively from across the narrow English Channel. Read more
During any war, combating countries predictably issue reports andcreate publicity more favorable to their own side. Often the difference is subtle, but sometimes it is profound. Read more
During World War II, Terry de la Mesa Allen and Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.,were ”relieved” during a victorious campaign. Read more
Flying a tortuous route from North Africa tothe French coast of Normandy via Casablanca and Gibraltar, an unarmed Lockheed Lodestar of the Free French Air Force broke through cloud cover over the English Channel on the morning of Sunday, August 20, 1944. Read more
During World War II the only serviceable four-engine heavy bomber the Soviet Air Force fielded was the obsolete Petlyakov Pe-8. However, as the conflict wore on Premier Josef Stalin and other Soviet leaders took note of the Allied bombers that ravaged German and Japanese cities. Read more
By Chris McGowan
Atop 550-foot Suribachi Yama, the volcano at the southwest tip of Iwo Jima, Marines of the 2nd Battalion, 28th Regiment, 5th Division, hoist the Stars and Stripes, signaling the capture of this key position. Read more
Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, continues to deliver on his most recent investment of time and money. His expeditions aboard the Research Vessel (R/V) Petrel have yielded startling rediscoveries and ghostly images of the U.S. Read more
The image of the Scottish piper standing erect under fire was commemorated in the film The Longest Day nearly two decades after the D-Day landings of June 6, 1944. Read more
No Allied amphibious invasion in World War II left such a bitter legacy as Operation Jubilee, the ill-fated British-Canadian raid on the northern French port of Dieppe on Wednesday, August 19, 1942. Read more
Winston Churchill was against it. So was Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark in Italy. But the American chiefs of staff were for it, and so was General Dwight D. Read more
“Why the hell am I here?” Lt. Richard Winters asked himself as he pulled out of his parachute harness in the first hours of D-Day. Read more
Anyone with an interest in World War II aviation knows the name Memphis Belle, which, along with the B-29 Enola Gay, is inarguably one of the two most famous planes of that era. Read more
World War II-related items have continued to appear in the news over the last few months. In case you missed them, here are a few:
UXB Closes London Airport. Read more
It was two hours before noon on September 18, 1944, when Polish freedom fighters inside Warsaw received word an airdrop was coming. Read more
If you hop on the Google Play or Apple Store and search for any variation of “air combat,” you’re going to end up with a deluge of middling results. Read more
The Germans advanced against the U.S. Marines in Belleau Wood at 2 pm on June 4, 1918. Among the first Marines to see the coming assault were several snipers hidden atop a haystack at the Les Mares Farm. Read more
Countless shooters have attempted to capture the essence of World War II in their campaigns, and each has gone about it in a slightly different way. Read more
The night of October 26, 1942, was a hellish time for the soldiers and Marines on Guadalcanal, and it was about to get worse. Read more
She was just 20 years old, wearing coveralls, her hair in a polka-dot bandanna, operating a lathe on the floor of the machine shop at the Alameda Naval Air Station in California when the photographer snapped the photograph that became a poster that became a legend. Read more