How “The Few” Saved Britain

By Mark Simmons

The legend of 1940, “their finest hour,” has become almost considered fact in Britain. Many felt, as they saw it at the time, the Germans merely had to turn up on her shores for Britain’s defeat. Read more


Remembering the End of the War in Europe

In May 1945—70 years ago—the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) sent out a terse, unemotional, 15-word communiqué: “The mission of this Allied force was fulfilled at 0241 local time, May 7, 1945.” Read more


WWII Espionage: Eric Arthur Roberts, Britain’s Quiet Hero

By Michael E. Haskew

Many times in war otherwise obscure individuals are called upon to take extreme risks in service to their country, and more often than any casual observer may ever know, the heroic deeds of these individuals remain in the shadows, forgotten footnotes or even totally lost due to the passage of time and the continuing sweep of history. Read more

Female Spies like Virginia Hall, Amy Thorpe and Barbara Lauwers were large supporters of the Allied war efforts, and some of the most important women in World War 2.


‪Important Women in World War 2: Female Spies

By Patricia McBride

Mention spies and most people will think of James Bond or Ethan Hunt from Mission Impossible, but most people would struggle to name some notable female spies—apart perhaps from Mata Hari—yet they have always existed. Read more

American soldiers move through La Roche, Belgium, during the Battle of the Bulge. Task Force Hogan reached La Roche on December 19, 1944, and Hogan’s men made a stand along with an assault-gun platoon in defense of the town. The remainder of Hogan’s command kept moving northward.


A Letter from a Bastogne Foxhole

Recently, a close family friend our son’s age gave me a copy of a letter written by his late grandfather, Sergeant David Warman, a member of Company E, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division. Read more

There is much to see when touring the Battle of the Bulge, though 70 years on, some of it may be hard to find.


Touring the Battle of the Bulge

By Kevin M. Hymel

The Battle of the Bulge lasted an entire month, and was fought over almost the entire Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and half of Belgium, yet finding all of the battlefields and historic sights is a bit more difficult than locating the D-day beaches. Read more