Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Colonel William Blumenson’s ‘Heroes Never Die’

By Lieutenant Colonel Dominic J. Caraccilo

Acclaimed historian Martin Blumenson’s new book is Heroes Never Die: Warriors and Warfare in World War II, 50 articles and essays on WW II spanning the likes of Anzio, successful but often overlooked corps commanders,George Patton, generalship, and notably, the first Ranger commander, Colonel William O. Read more

Book Reviews

John S.D. Eisenhower’s ‘Yanks’

By Lt. Col. Dominic J. Caraccilo

The Free Press continues to provide top-quality and original military history with Yanks: The Epic Story of the American Army in World War I (by John S.D. Read more

Book Reviews

Travel the Centuries

By Lieutenant Colonel Dominic J. Caraccilo

Patrick K. O’Donnell, founder of The Drop Zone, an award-winning Web site that is a virtual community for veterans of World War II, makes his mark as an author in a dramatic and poignant oral history. Read more

Book Reviews

From B-17s To Waterloo

By Eric T. Baker

B-17: Flying Fortress—The Mighty Eighth from Hasbro Interactive lets players recreate the exploits of the U.S. 8th Air Force during World War II. Read more

The carnage of the battle for Iwo Jima is evident in this photograph showing two American soldiers making their way past some of the fatalities. (National Archives)

Book Reviews

Hell in the Pacific

By Mason B. Webb

Ask anyone today to name the three toughest, most important battles of World War II and chances are good that the name “Iwo Jima” will be at, or somewhere near, the top of the list. Read more