February 2012
Military Heritage
Scottish Highlanders at the Battle of Waterloo
By Eric NiderostIn the early morning of June 16, 1815, the city of Brussels awoke to the shriek of bagpipes and the throbbing tattoo of drums. Read more
Volume 13, No. 5
COVER: “Waterloo: Gordons and Greys to the Front, 18th June, 1815” by Stanley Berkeley.
Private Collection/Photo © Christie’s Images/The Bridgeman Art Library
February 2012
Military Heritage
In the early morning of June 16, 1815, the city of Brussels awoke to the shriek of bagpipes and the throbbing tattoo of drums. Read more
February 2012
Military Heritage
When plans were drawn up for the Allied invasion of France in 1944, one important consideration was securing a deep-water port to allow reinforcements and supplies to be brought in directly from Great Britain and the United States. Read more
February 2012
Military Heritage
When World War I broke out in August 1914, the captains of the various German warships called their men together to give three cheers for the Kaiser. Read more
February 2012
Military Heritage
In late March 1781, American Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene sought to make the best of a bad situation. Read more
February 2012
Military Heritage
Thousands of dead Turkish soldiers choked the river and littered its bank. It was the fall of 1697 and the young Imperial Field Marshall, Prince Eugene of Savoy, had just vanquished the Ottoman army at Zenta (or Senta), on Hungary’s River Tiza. Read more
February 2012
Military Heritage, Editorial
Like many true combat veterans, my father didn’t talk much about the war—in his case, World War II. We knew that he had served in France and Germany with the 79th Division, the famous “Cross of Lorraine” division. Read more
February 2012
Military Heritage, Soldiers
On the night of February 13, 1967, the 11th Company of the 2nd South Korean Marine Brigade was occupying a position near the village of Trah Bin Dong in Quang Ngai province, South Vietnam. Read more
February 2012
Military Heritage, Weapons
Few would argue that Daimler-Benz is one of the most prominent and highly regarded motor vehicle manufacturers in automotive history. Read more
February 2012
Military Heritage, Intelligence
The use of individuals unaffiliated with any intelligence organization is commonplace in the annals of espionage. Governments often use people who have certain skills or expertise to establish contact with other individuals who are believed to have influence with the nation they represent. Read more
February 2012
Military Heritage, Militaria
A boat trip through San Diego harbor provides visitors with tangible proof of America’s military might. San Diego is one of the U.S. Read more
February 2012
Military Heritage, Books
North Vietnamese general Vo Nguyen Giap once told a French diplomat that his “fighting gospel” was the Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Read more
February 2012
Military Heritage, Simulation Gaming
Last time we talked about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, it was one side of the juggernaut war-gaming coin that attacked players near the end of 2011. Read more