Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Pacific Waters: Dark and Dangerous

The U.S. Navy’s Task Group 31.2, under the overall command of Commander Frederick Moosbrugger, had a mission to destroy enemy surface ships on the night of August 6, 1943. Read more

Book Reviews

Fighting with Kurdish Anti-Isis Forces

By Christopher Miskimon

Dr. Till Paasche and Shaun Murray were from different countries, but they came together in Syria. Shaun was just a child when the 9/11 attacks occurred, and by the time he was old enough to serve, the war in Iraq was winding down. Read more

Book Reviews

Mark Galeotti’s ‘Teutonic Knight Versus Lithuanian Warrior’

By Christopher Miskimon

The Teutonic Knights were a military order dedicated to spreading Christendom into Russia and the Baltic region. Over time, they spread their span of control across the area–until they encountered the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a cohesive nation able to effectively resist the Teutonic Order. Read more

Book Reviews

Ian Baxter’s ‘The Soviet Destruction of Army Group South’

By Christopher Miskimon

After the destruction of the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad in February 1943, the German Army Group South began a slow westward withdrawal, inexorably pressed by advancing Soviet forces of what would eventually be named the First through Fourth Ukrainian Fronts. Read more

Members of an all-black Seabee battalion practice disembarking from an LCP(L) (Landing Craft Personnel, Large), December 1942.

Book Reviews

Peter Harmsen ‘Darkest Christmas’

By Christopher Miskimon

The darkest, deadliest Christmas in human history occurred in December 1942. Around the globe, as Christians celebrated their holiday of peace and goodwill, peoples of many different faiths and beliefs continued to slaughter one another. Read more

In a rare photo that includes Japanese armored vehicles, victorious infantrymen cross a makeshift bridge during the advance through Burma. The Japanese capture of Rangoon marked a low point for the Allies in the China-Burma-India Theater. (National Archives)

Book Reviews

Tim Moreman’s ‘Conquest of Burma 1942’

By Christopher Miskimon

The Japanese invasion of Burma in January 1942 pitted its well-trained, mobile, and hard-hitting Fifteenth Army against a conglomerate Allied force composed of British, Commonwealth, Indian and Burmese troops in various states of training, equipment and experience. Read more