Book Reviews

Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen proceed to the opening of the Reichstag on March 21, 1933.

Book Reviews

Tom Hutton’s ‘Hitler’s Maladies’

By Christopher Miskimon

By April 1945, Hitler suffered from several mental and physical ailments. These included an advanced case of Parkinson’s Disease, heart disease, and gastrointestinal disorders along with other minor illnesses. Read more

Book Reviews

Ian Gardner’s Sign Here for Sacrifice

By Christopher Miskimon

Climbing a ridge, Phil Vernon spotted wisps of smoke coming from somewhere below. The paratrooper from Company A of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment was in Vietnam in December 1967 and the unit was participating in “Operation Klamath Falls.” Read more

Book Reviews

Phillip Thomas Tucker’s ‘Brothers in Liberty’

By Christopher Miskimon

When British fortunes waned in the north during the American Revolution, they turned their attention south. They formed an expeditionary force which sailed from New York to Savannah, Georgia, which they captured in 1778. Read more

Alexander enters Babylon after defeating Persian King Darius III at Gaugamela in 331 BC.

Book Reviews

William Nester’s ‘Land of War’

By Christopher Miskimon

As long as human beings have lived on the European continent there have been wars on it. They began with stones and flint axes and progressed through bronze, iron and eventually steel weapons, but the advent of gunpowder changed the nature of combat from a largely face to face struggle to one of ever-increasing distances. Read more

Book Reviews

Michael McNally’s ‘Tannenberg 1914’

By Christopher Miskimon

A month after World War I began, as the French, British and German armies vied for a quick victory in France and the Low Countries, a fast-moving campaign evolved in the East, where the German and Russians maneuvered for advantage. Read more

Book Reviews

Pacific Waters: Dark and Dangerous

The U.S. Navy’s Task Group 31.2, under the overall command of Commander Frederick Moosbrugger, had a mission to destroy enemy surface ships on the night of August 6, 1943. Read more

Book Reviews

Fighting with Kurdish Anti-Isis Forces

By Christopher Miskimon

Dr. Till Paasche and Shaun Murray were from different countries, but they came together in Syria. Shaun was just a child when the 9/11 attacks occurred, and by the time he was old enough to serve, the war in Iraq was winding down. Read more

Book Reviews

Mark Galeotti’s ‘Teutonic Knight Versus Lithuanian Warrior’

By Christopher Miskimon

The Teutonic Knights were a military order dedicated to spreading Christendom into Russia and the Baltic region. Over time, they spread their span of control across the area–until they encountered the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a cohesive nation able to effectively resist the Teutonic Order. Read more