Air Conflicts: Secret Wars

by Joseph Luster

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars is the perfect example of a game for which the genre has a ton of competition on PC and very little comparable action on consoles. Read more

Exercise Tiger: Deadly D-Day Rehearsal

by Robert Heege

It was spring 1944, and the morning sun was glinting off the face of the water as the Landing Ship, Tank (LST) transports chugged their way through the choppy surf and headed in close toward shore, their destination a gravel-strewn stretch of beach on the English Channel code named “U” for Utah. Read more

Operation Jericho

by Joseph M. Horodyski

On the bitterly cold, windswept morning of February 18, 1944, the crews of 19 De Havilland Mosquito Mk.VI Read more

War Came Home to the Streets of Arnhem

By Christopher Miskimon

British airborne troops were landing near Arnhem, Holland, on the morning of September 17, 1944. Despite the fact that elements of two veteran SS panzer divisions were reconstituting in the area, the Germans were taken much by surprise. Read more

Operation Magic Carpet

When World War II in Europe came to an end, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force, published a victory message to the troops. Read more