Military Heritage

July 2018

Volume 20, No. 1

Cover: Members of the 3rd Armored Division ride their
Sherman tank into battle. The division participated in the Allied effort prevent the German Seventh Army from escaping through the Falaise Gap.
Photo: National Archives

July 2018

Military Heritage

Gallant Charge at Antietam

By William E. Welsh

The Union soldiers of Colonel Harrison Fairchild’s brigade prepared to attack uphill against a key Rebel position on the outskirts of Sharpsburg at 3 pm on September 17, 1862. Read more

July 2018

Military Heritage

Cauldron of Destruction

By William F. Floyd, Jr.

U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, who was attired in civilian clothing in keeping with his role as an observer for U.S. Read more

July 2018

Military Heritage

Broadside Off San Domingo

By David A. Norris

Smoke from hundreds of cannon muzzles fueled an ever thickening fog hovering over the Caribbean Sea south of the French-occupied colony of San Domingo on February 6, 1806. Read more

July 2018

Military Heritage, Editorial

Frederick the Great’s Recipe for Success

Prussian King Frederick II “The Great” inherited from his father an army ready for war. Frederick William I had entrusted the training of his infantry to Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau. Read more

July 2018

Military Heritage, Soldiers

Soldiers: Casimir Pulaski

By Joshua Shepherd

A major fight was in the offing when the first streaks of dawn appeared over Savannah, Georgia, on the morning of October 9, 1779. Read more

July 2018

Military Heritage, Weapons

Germany’s Bold Naval Raider

By Christopher Miskimon

World War I was only a few days old when the German light cruiser SMS Emden, patrolling off the Korean Peninsula, spotted its first target. Read more

July 2018

Military Heritage, Intelligence

Belle Boyd: Confederate Spy

By William E. Welsh

Word spread like wildfire through Martinsburg in northeastern Virginia that the Yankees were on the move. On July 2, 1861  Maj. Read more

July 2018

Military Heritage, Books

The USMC in World War I

By Christopher Miskimon

The Germans advanced against the U.S. Marines in Belleau Wood at 2 pm on June 4, 1918. Among the first Marines to see the coming assault were several snipers hidden atop a haystack at the Les Mares Farm. Read more

July 2018

Military Heritage, Games

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam recognizes its community

By Joseph Luster

For something on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam takes the historical environment of the Vietnam War and uses it as the setting for massive 64-player battles. Read more

July 2018

Military Heritage, Simulation Gaming

Daisenryaku VII, Soldier Raj, and Flashpoint Germany

By Eric T. Baker

Turn based strategy games for the Xbox seem to be as rare as hens teeth. Daisenryaku VII: Modern Military Tactics is an import from Japan, and 30% of all the Xbox owners there purchased a copy. Read more