Japanese Aircraft Carrier

Dear WWII History:

There was a significant identification error on page 78 of the November 2003 issue. The Japanese aircraft carrier shown in the photograph was identified as the Hiryu, whereas, in fact, it is the Kaga. Read more


P-38 Lightning Restored

By Jim Opalka

Only a few months after the attack on Pearl Harbor a 24-four-year-old pilot, Lieutenant Brad McManus, scanned the sky as he was taught to do as an air cadet. Read more


Colonel Charles Hunter

Dear Editor,

I would like to make some corrections to Michael Hull’s otherwise excellent article, “Frank Merrill’s Jungle Trek” (July 2003). Read more

Before finishing it off, famed Japanese ace Saburo Sakai surveys the B-17 bomber flown by young Lieutenant Colin Kelly. Flying the nimble Zero fighter, Sakai is credited with 64 aerial victories.


Bomber Pilot Colin Kelly

By Wil Deac

The days following Pearl Harbor were grim ones for the United States. Headlines screamed of one Japanese victory after another. Read more


The B-26 Marauder

By Sam McGowan

Of all the better-known Allied aircraft of World War II, the most controversial was Martin’s B-26 Marauder, a twin-engine cigar-shaped medium bomber that was loved by some and hated by many. Read more


USS Houston

Dear WWII History:

My compliments on your fine article by John Wukovits in the November 2003 issue, “Heroic Fight Against Long Odds,” describing the last battle of the Australian light cruiser HMAS Perth and the American heavy cruiser USS Houston (CA 30). Read more

Fire from the guns of the Australian cruiser HMAS Perth splits the darkness in the opening moments of the Battle of Sunda Strait on February 25, 1942. The Australian vessel and the American cruiser Houston were lost in action against the Japanese.


Heroic Fight Against Long Odds

By John Wukovits

The haggard American sailors aboard the limping cruiser hoped that the journey upon which they had just embarked was the long-expected voyage back to the United States. Read more

A tough MK II (A14) Matilda tank of the British 7th Royal Tank Regiment stirs up a cloud of desert dust. The most modern tank in the British arsenal at the time of Beda Fomm, the Matilda had surprised Rommel’s elite 7th Panzer Division in May 1940 on the battlefield of Arras in France.


A Daring Desert Campaign

By David H. Lippman

“It is not a question of aiming for Alexandria or even Sollum,” the message read. “I am only asking you to attack the British forces facing you.” Read more


Taps for Mauldin

By Kevin M. Hymel

Bill Mauldin understood war from the grunt’s-eye view. An enlisted man with the 45th Infantry Division, he turned his hobby into an art, penning Army life in World War II from Sicily and Italy to France and Germany. Read more

A Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber of the U.S. Army Air Forces makes a bombing run over the city of Osnabruck, Germany, during World War II. When the B-17 was introduced, many observers considered it too expensive. However, the bomber was a workhorse in the European theater as army air power evolved during the war years.


The Army and Air Power

By Sam McGowan

When the United States Army first developed an interest in aviation and purchased its first airplane from the Wright Company in 1909, it and the pilots and mechanics who flew and serviced it were assigned to the Signal Corps, a specialty corps that had been established prior to the Civil War to develop visual signals, then later to develop and service telegraph lines. Read more