Bavarians renew their fierce attack on French positions in the village of Bazeilles. The French could not prevail and were bottled up in Sedan.
Military Heritage

June 2004

Volume 5, No. 6

Cover: The Hussars by Alphonse Marie de 44 Neuville. Courtesy of Christie’s Images/The Bridgeman Art Library.

A Coast Guard crewman aboard a landing craft is shown at lower right as his human cargo of combat troops exits toward the Easy Red sector of Omaha Beach in Normandy on D-Day. This photo was taken while the Americans were under tremendous German fire from the bluffs visible in the distance.

June 2004

Military Heritage

Omaha Beach H-Hour D-Day June 6, 1944

By Joseph Balkoski

Editor’s Note: The following is excerpted from Omaha Beach: D-Day June 6, 1944 by Joseph Balkoski (Stackpole Books, 2004; Read more

Robert Capa’s famous blurry image of the 1st Infantry Division’s amphibious landings at the Easy Red/Fox Green sectors of Omaha Beach indelibly captures the fear and chaos of the D-Day invasion. Four rolls of Capa’s film were rushed back to LIFE magazine’s London office, where a darkroom mistake ruined all but 11 images.

June 2004

Military Heritage, Editorial

D-Day’s 60th Anniversary

Imagine for a moment what now only people of advanced age can: Nazi-occupied northern Europe poised for invasion by Allied armies. Read more

The CSS Virginia blasts the USS Cumberland. John Wood was a major factor in the Virginia’s success. Throughout the war he used scarce resources to advantage for the Confederate cause.

June 2004

Military Heritage, Soldiers

John Taylor Wood, Hero of the Confederate Navy

By James M. Powles

The epic battle between the Virginia (Merrimack) and Monitor might never have taken place because, as strange as it may seem, the Confederates did not have enough experienced men to man their ship. Read more

June 2004

Military Heritage, Intelligence

Colonel Hans Oster

By Brooke C. Stoddard

Adolf Hitler won victory after victory in the late 1930s: the remilitarization of the Rhineland in 1936, the incorporation of Austria into the Reich in 1938, the acquisition of the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia in 1938 followed by the control over much of the remainder of Czechoslovakia six months later, and then the conquest of Poland in September 1939. Read more

A Soviet admiral—medals at his left breast—kneels in tribute to a fallen heroic Soviet sailor of World War II. Many Soviet medals were adaptations of Czarist medals.

June 2004

Military Heritage, Militaria

Soviet Memorabilia

By Peter Suciu

In 1917, after almost three years of hard fighting in World War I, the Romanov dynasty came to an end with the abdication of Czar Nicolas II of Russia. Read more