Mongol detachments conduct an amphibious assault at Hakata Bay in Kyushu in 1274 in a modern painting by Richard Hook. Mounted samurai supported by foot archers conduct a vigorous defense in an attempt to prevent the invaders from establishing a beachhead.
Military Heritage

January 2015

Volume 16, No. 4

A French soldier from the 4th Dragoon Regiment waves a captured Prussian flag, during Napoleon’s triumphant victory at the Battle of Jena. Painting by Edouard Detaille.
Credit: DEA / G. DAGLI ORTI / The Granger Collection, New York

Australians expand and improve the Italian defenses at Tobruk in February 1941 in anticipation of an attack by Axis forces in a painting by Australian war artist Ivor Hele. Two months later, Generalleutnant Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps began probing the Allied defenses at the key Libyan port.

January 2015

Military Heritage

Rommel Repulsed

By Robert Heege

It was the first week of April 1941, and Lt. Gen. Richard O’Connor could scarcely believe what was happening as his driver suddenly cocked the wheel and swerved hard left, flooring the gas pedal in a futile attempt to outrun the multiple bursts of machine-gun fire erupting all around them, lighting up the Saharan night as bullets chased after his wheels. Read more

Mongol detachments conduct an amphibious assault at Hakata Bay in Kyushu in 1274 in a modern painting by Richard Hook. Mounted samurai supported by foot archers conduct a vigorous defense in an attempt to prevent the invaders from establishing a beachhead.

January 2015

Military Heritage

Divine Winds Triumphant

By Eric Niderost

In the early 13th century the legendary Mongol Genghis Khan laid the foundations for the greatest land empire in history. Read more

The British fleet (right) and the French fleet are shown engaged at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay on September 5, 1781, in a modern painting by Patrick O’Brien. British Rear Admiral Graves made a number of questionable decisions during the battle that put his fleet at a distinct disadvantage.

January 2015

Military Heritage

Grand Clash on the Chesapeake

By David A. Norris

Under sunny skies, favorable winds pushed Captain Mark Robinson and the 74-gun ship of the line Shrewsbury on September 5, 1781, toward a stormy encounter with an old enemy. Read more

A column of 45 Royal Marine Commando marches toward Port Stanley. The British did not have a particular advantage in numbers or firepower, but their training and discipline enabled them to triumph in the challenging environment.

January 2015

Military Heritage

Bloody Showdown at Stanley

By Christopher Miskimon

A rocky, jumbled mass of boulders known as Mount Harriet just west of the city of Stanley in the Falkland Islands had no claim to fame before the night of June 11-12, 1982, but it achieved renown after a harrowing engagement that occurred between British and Argentine forces that night. Read more

January 2015

Military Heritage

Napoleon’s Triumph over Prussia

By Arnold Blumberg

At 4 am on October 14, 1806, 37-year-old Jean Lannes, Marshal of France in Napoleon Bonaparte’s Grande Armee and commander of that host’s V Corps, received his final instructions verbally from the emperor. Read more

January 2015

Military Heritage, Books

Cold War Conflicts

By Christopher Miskimon

During the early spring of 1949, North Korean ruler Kim Il Sung visited Moscow. His nation’s first economic plan had ended in failure after two years; the plight of the country was desperate. Read more

January 2015

Military Heritage, Games

Game Reviews: Wars and Battles

by Joseph Luster

Video games have covered quite a bit of war history over the years, from the obvious battles to the more obscure contentions that have taken place around the globe. Read more

January 2015

Military Heritage, Games

Game Reviews: Total War: ATTILA

by Joseph Luster

The Creative Assembly’s Total War series now has a legacy spanning nearly 15 years of computer strategy. What started in 2000 with Shogun: Total War gradually expanded to include a variety of eras—as well as a variety of spin-offs and player-created mods—each putting players in the role of history’s greatest commanders. Read more