Pictured with several aides, Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop was often maligned by other top Nazis. However, history reveals that he did not often receive the credit he was due.


Hitler’s Second Bismarck

By Blaine Taylor

Despite being ridiculed as a vain, pompous, and glory-seeking imbecile in a spate of biographies, diaries, letters, trial transcripts, and memoirs by leaders, field marshals, generals, and diplomats from both the Allies and his own Axis partners during and after the war, Joachim von Ribbentrop nevertheless was one of the premier foreign affairs practitioners of the Nazi epoch. Read more

Japanese Type 94 tankettes speed through a village in China. The Japanese military operated in China for nearly 15 years beginning in 1931.


Tanks of the Rising Sun

By Arnold Blumberg

Imperial Japan’s first hesitant steps toward adoption of armored fighting vehicles occurred in 1925 with the creation of two company-strength tank units. Read more

Troops of B Company of the New Guinea Volunteer Rifles stand proudly with a Japanese flag they have captured in battle at Mubo on July 21, 1942.


Jungle Warriors Against All Odds

By Glenn Barnett

The first Allied victory of World War I occurred when Australian volunteers occupied the German colony of northeastern New Guinea and the adjoining Admiralty Islands. Read more


Hollywood Goes Pacific

By John Wukovits

“They’re machine gunning! They’re strafing the hospital! The beasts! The slimy beasts!”

“Pearl Harbor! Most of us didn’t know what it was, let alone where it was.” Read more


The Twilight of the Gods

By Major General Michael Reynolds

By the end of April 1945, two of the most feared divisions of the Waffen-SS, the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler and the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend, had both been reduced in strength to little more than reinforced regiments. Read more

“Ring the bell and run like hell.” American pilots of 71 Squadron sprint to their planes as the order to “scramble” is received at RAF Martlesham Heath.


Learning from the Past

By Flint Whitlock

Welcome to this, our fourth issue! We have packed it like a seabag or field pack with features we are sure you will find of interest. Read more

No armchair general, the Enfield-toting Brigadier "Mad Mike" Calvert (left) personally directs operations of his "Chindits" during the fight for a Burmese village.


Leading From The Front

By William Stroock

Controversial, outspoken, and sometimes insubordinate, British Brigadier Michael “Mad Mike” Calvert was also the boldest and most effective commander in Operation Thursday, the daring 1944 British airborne assault on northern Burma. Read more

Members of an all-black Seabee battalion practice disembarking from an LCP(L) (Landing Craft Personnel, Large), December 1942.


Three’s a Charm.

Welcome to the third issue of WWII Quarterly. We have put together an eclectic (and electric) line-up of features that we are sure will be of interest to all WWII buffs, no matter what your primary area of interest may be. Read more


The National World War II Museum

By Flint Whitlock

While some people regard museums as dry, dull, and dusty places, such is not the case with the National World War II Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana, where the full history of the war comes alive. Read more


Never Forget

Dear Editor,

I have been picking up my son’s copy of your magazine and admired the attention to detail and the amount of input from veterans.  Read more


The mystery of HMAS Sydney has been uncovered.

The worst naval disaster in the history of Australia had been, for decades, shrouded in something of a mystery. The light cruiser HMAS Sydney had been a high profile warship, but not only because she was modern, sleek, and bore the name of a major city—the capital of New South Wales. Read more


Warriors in the Wind

In this, our second issue of WWII Quarterly, we are pleased to devote much of it to exploring the contributions of the airborne forces––American, German, and British. Read more


Tactical Air Evolution

By Allyn Vannoy

On New Year’S Day 1945, Brig. Gen. Anthony G. McAuliffe, temporary commander of the U.S. 101st Airborne Division, visited the XIX Tactical Air Command (TAC) “Raiders” group. Read more


Keeping World War II Alive

Dear Editor,

This magazine is amazing! One of the best out there, and by far the most interesting.

I’ve had a fascination with World War II for years. Read more