May 2018
Military Heritage
Race to the Meuse
By William E. WelshThe American airborne troops shivered in their foxholes as temperatures plummeted on Christmas Eve 1944. Behind them to the east lay the beleaguered town of Bastogne. Read more
Volume 19, No. 6
Cover: A soldier from the 1st SS Panzergrenadier Division photographed in front of destroyed American vehicles during the Battle of the Bulge.
Photo: National Archives
May 2018
Military Heritage
The American airborne troops shivered in their foxholes as temperatures plummeted on Christmas Eve 1944. Behind them to the east lay the beleaguered town of Bastogne. Read more
May 2018
Military Heritage
King Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden rode forward confidently, digging his heels into Streiff, his war horse, signaling the animal to quicken his pace and jump the ditch that was just ahead. Read more
May 2018
Military Heritage
Stepping off of two captured river steamboats, the 2nd Kentucky Cavalry and the 9th Tennessee Cavalry set foot in Indiana on July 8, 1863. Read more
May 2018
Military Heritage
As the sun rose shortly after dawn on a morning in late September 480 BC, 170 rowers densely packed on three tiers within an Athenian warship strenuously pushed their oars to propel their vessel forward as fast as possible. Read more
May 2018
Military Heritage
In July 1637 few Scots or English would have guessed the result when Edinburgh minister James Hannay preached from the Book of Common Prayer, and street merchant Jenny Geddes threw her footstool at his head. Read more
May 2018
Military Heritage, Editorial
The degree to which Confederate raider John Hunt Morgan set Northern soldiers on edge is seen by a story that appeared in southern newspapers in April 1862. Read more
May 2018
Military Heritage, Weapons
During the five-month Japanese siege of Russian-held Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 both sides employed hand grenades. Read more
May 2018
Military Heritage, Soldiers
The Marines patrolling outside Khe Sanh Combat Base watched three enemy soldiers dart across an access road and dive into the protective edge of a tract of woods. Read more
May 2018
Military Heritage, Intelligence
The U.S. sloop of war Constellation was sailing off the coast of Africa, not far from the Congo River, and both officers and crew were enjoying a night so beautiful it seemed almost like a dream. Read more
May 2018
Military Heritage, Books
The fate of the American Revolution seemed bleak indeed in December 1776. New Jersey was on the verge of collapse with many of its residents swearing new oaths of loyalty to Great Britain. Read more
May 2018
Military Heritage, Games
There are countless ways to take to the skies in fighter jets and other similarly designed aircraft in the world of war games, but helicopters are an oft-overlooked focal point. Read more
May 2018
Military Heritage, Games
Originally released for PS Vita in Japan, followed by a worldwide PC release on Steam, Neo Atlas 1469 is a simulation game that puts players in the role of the master of a trading company. Read more