Backed by Union warships, a mixed force of soldiers and sailors assaults the Confederate bastion of Fort Fisher, at Wilmington, North Carolina, December 1864.
Military Heritage

June 2010

Volume 11, No. 6

COVER: Edouard Detaille’s painting of a Napoleonic era French General and his staff. Image: Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library

June 2010

Military Heritage

Protestant Heroes of 1622

By Louis Ciotola

As the year 1622 dawned over Germany, things appeared bleak for the refugee “Winter King” of Bohemia, Elector Palatine Frederick V. Read more

June 2010

Military Heritage

The Art of Victory: Koniggratz 1866

By William E. Welsh

The Prussian soldiers had been awake long before sunup on the morning of July 3, 1866, and were marching downhill to the Bystrice River in the rolling countryside of Bohemia, 65 miles east of Prague. Read more

June 2010

Military Heritage

Tank Attack at Cambrai

By Eric Niderost

British Brig. Gen. Hugh Elles walked past the Mark IV tanks of H Company, a solitary figure amid metal monsters that looked, according to one jaundiced observer, like giant toads. Read more

June 2010

Military Heritage, Editorial

Teddy Roosevelt’s Nobel Prize

When most Americans think of Theodore Roosevelt, they conjure the image of the hard-charging Rough Rider at San Juan Hill, the western cowboy in six guns and chaps, the big game hunter in Africa, or the pulpit-pounding orator promising voters to “speak softly, but carry a big stick.” Read more

June 2010

Military Heritage, Weapons

Weapons of War: the War Hammer

By William McPeak

Not to be confused with Mjollnir, the mythical Norse god Thor’s fabled hammer, the real-life war hammer was a brutal and effective weapon. Read more

June 2010

Military Heritage, Intelligence

Polish Ciphers and the Miracle on the Vistula

By Arnold Blumberg

The Russo-Polish War of 1919-1920 was the most portentous event facing post-Versailles Europe. It was not just the continuation of a centuries-long contest between Russia and Poland to determine which would dominate eastern Europe, but a struggle involving a new ideology—communism—which the Bolshevik regime in Moscow had to spread throughout the Continent to survive. Read more

Throne of the Duke of Alva suggests the duke’s rule was ordained by Satan.

June 2010

Military Heritage, Militaria

Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, the Duke of Alva

By Matthew Peszek

The Eighty Years’ War between Spain and the Netherlands, which lasted from 1568 to 1648, developed not only from economic difficulties but also from religious tensions that eventually resulted in several Dutch riots in 1566. Read more

June 2010

Military Heritage, Games

Army of Two: The 40th Day

By Joseph Luster

In the not too distant past of 2008, Army of Two introduced us all to a world of private military contractors, putting the player behind the slightly horrific steel masks of Elliot Salem and Tyson Rios. Read more