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Polish Armed Forces

Dear Sir:

Just finished reading the March issue of WWII History. It was very factual, especially “Silent Blitzkrieg: The Fall of Eben Emael.” Read more

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Heinz Gunther Guderian’s ‘From Normandy to the Ruhr’

By Lieutenant Colonel Dominic J. Caraccilo

Not just another historian’s reenactment of the outcome of World War II, From Normandy to the Ruhr: With the 116th Panzer Division in Word War II is at once a well-crafted and deeply researched scholarly narration and a “multi-tiered memoir”—immaculately translated (a task often overlooked and underrated)—into a definitive history of the ubiquitously employed “Greyhound Division.” Read more

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Operation Overlord

Dear Editor:

I enjoyed your article on Operation Overlord (February 2002). The beaches of Normandy will always be engraved in America’s mind. Read more

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Don Williams’ story on the Devil’s Den allows me an opening to write about the Battle of Gettysburg. To the myriad words on the conflict, I add the following. Read more

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Prelude To Pearl Harbor

By William Scheck

The flight deck of HMS Illustrious had become a very busy place. Aircraft were being raised to the flight deck, aircraft handlers were attending to their tasks, and on the command deck there was an air of anxiety. Read more

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Dear Editor:

Congratulations on your premier issue of WWII History. I found the content to be interesting, the text informative, and the photographs and paintings to be of fine quality. Read more

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Colonel William Blumenson’s ‘Heroes Never Die’

By Lieutenant Colonel Dominic J. Caraccilo

Acclaimed historian Martin Blumenson’s new book is Heroes Never Die: Warriors and Warfare in World War II, 50 articles and essays on WW II spanning the likes of Anzio, successful but often overlooked corps commanders,George Patton, generalship, and notably, the first Ranger commander, Colonel William O. Read more

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Camillian Legions

Dear Editor:

Although I did enjoy R. Manning Ancell’s article on the Roman Emperor Trajan (December 2001) I do find fault with his research concerning the tactical formation of the Roman Legions at the time of Trajan’s conquests of Dacia and Parthis. Read more

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Fighting Islamic Pirates

Our “war” against Islamic terrorists quickly brings to mind this country’s “war” against Islamic pirates of the Barbary Coast 200 years ago. Read more

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A struggle for the planet and for the soul of humankind.

1939-1945. The world had never seen anything like it. Fifty million dead. Every continent except Antarctica inflamed in some way. Europe, the most powerful continent, overrun with fighting, whole cities, some a thousand years in the making, reduced to rubble. Read more

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Operation at Tarawa

Dear Editor:

I appreciated Bud Hyland’s August 2001 sketch of the scouting forces established by the several services, and can agree in general with his statements about their essential contributions. Read more

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The Real Deal

By Eric T. Baker

World War II Online™ is both the best and worst simulation of WWII combat ever created for the PC. Read more

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John S.D. Eisenhower’s ‘Yanks’

By Lt. Col. Dominic J. Caraccilo

The Free Press continues to provide top-quality and original military history with Yanks: The Epic Story of the American Army in World War I (by John S.D. Read more