Full Reviews

Forged in War: A Military History of Russia from its Beginnings to Today (Mark Galeotti, Osprey Publishing, Oxford UK, 2024, 368 pp., maps, photographs, notes, bibliography, index, $35.00, hardcover)

Patton’s Prayer: A True Story of Courage, Faith and Victory in World War II (Alex Kershaw, Dutton Press, New York NY, 2024, 348 pp., maps, photographs, notes, bibliography, index, $32.00, hardcover)

The War for Ukraine: Strategy and Adaptation Under Fire (Mick Ryan, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis MD, 2024, 346 pp., maps, notes, bibliography, index, $34.95, hardcover)

Super Slick: Life and Death in a Huey Helicopter in Vietnam (Tom Feigel and Larry Weill, Stackpole Books, Essex CT, 2024, 288 pp., maps, photographs, $29.95, hardcover)

Struggle for Empire: The Battles of General Zuo Zongtang (Kenneth M. Swope, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis MD, 2024, 417 pp., maps, photographs, notes, bibliography, index, $42.95, hardcover)

The Gunner and the Grunt: Two Boston Boys in Vietnam with the First Cavalry Division Airmobile (Michael L. Kelly and Peter Burbank, Casemate Books, Havertown PA, 2024, 196 pp., photographs, appendices, $34.95, hardcover)

Mission Iran: Special Forces Berlin and Operation Eagle Claw JTF 1-79 (James Stejskal, Casemate Publishing, Haver- town PA, 2024, 153 pp., photographs, notes, bibliography, index, $24.95, softcover) 

The Battle of Gettysburg 1863 (3): The Third Day (Timothy J. Orr, Osprey Publishing, Oxford UK, 2024, 96 pp., maps, photographs, bibliography, index, $25, softcover)

Agincourt: Battle of the Scarred King (Michael Livingston, Osprey Publishing, Oxford UK, 2024, 320 pp., maps, photographs, notes, bibliography, index, $30, hardcover)

BRIXMIS and the Secret Cold War Intelligence Collection Operations Behind Enemy Lines in East Germany (Andrew Long, Pen and Sword Military, South Yorkshire UK, 2024, 244 pp., maps, photographs, appendices, notes, bibliography, index, $49.95, hardcover)

Short Bursts

The Melting Point: High Command and War in the 21st Century (Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., USMC Ret., Naval Institute Press, 2024, $34.95, hardcover). The author commanded US Central Command during some of its difficult battles against the so-called Islamic State and tensions with Iran. It is an interesting and engaging memoir. 

The First Aircraft Carrier: USS Langley and the Dawn of US Naval Aviation (David F. Winkler, Naval Institute Press, 2024, $29.95, hardcover). Built as an experiment, USS Langley set the stage for the US Navy’s expanded carrier force in World War II and beyond. Many of the techniques the crew developed for air operations are still in use today. 

U-2 ‘Dragon Lady’ Units 1955-90 (Peter E. Davies, Osprey Publishing, 2024, $25, softcover). The CIA gave the U-2 its ‘Dragon Lady’ code name, using it for surveillance missions during the Cold War. This book examines its career. 

The American Revolution 1774-83 (Daniel Marston, Osprey Publishing, 2024, $20, softcover). This updated edition of the publisher’s Essential Histories series looks at the war from its military and political angles. 

Midway-Class Aircraft Carriers 1945-92 (Mark Stille, Osprey Publishing, 2024, $20, softcover). The Midway class entered service just after World War II but remained until the Gulf War. Their crews maintained sortie rates matching the larger super carriers. 

Steel Lobsters: Crown, Commonwealth, and the Last Knights in England (Myke Cole, Osprey Publishing, 2024, $32, hardcover). This is a biography of Sir Arthur Hesilrige and his Regiment of Cuirassiers, nicknamed the ‘Lobsters’ for their use of plate armor. As gunpowder weapons rose to primacy, this unit was the last of English knights. 

The Pirate Menace: Uncovering the Golden Age of Piracy (Angus Konstam, Osprey Publishing, 2024, $32, hardcover). Piracy enjoyed a brief period of ascendancy in the 1700s. The author recounts this period in fascinating detail. 

Expectation of Valor: Planning for the Iraq War (Col. Kevin Benson (ret.), Casemate Publishers, 2024, $34.95, hardcover). The author reveals the great amount of planning that went into preparation for the aftermath of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Much of this planning was ignored by decision makers, leading to problems later. 

How Drones Fight: How Small Drones are Revolutionizing Warfare (Lars Celander, Casemate Publishers, 2024, $24.95, softcover). Recent conflicts show the rising importance of drones in reconnaissance and strike missions. The author examines this trend and where it may be leading. 

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