WWII History December 2016

The General with the Plan

By R. Manning Ancell

On November 11, 1943, under cover of darkness, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his key aides sailed down the Potomac River to the new battleship USS Iowa, there to meet with three of the four American members of the Combined Chiefs of Staff—Admiral Ernest J. Read more

WWII History December 2016

Ace of Aces

By Kelly Bell

By May 8, 1945, Adolf Hitler had been dead for more than a week. Germany was in the act of formally surrendering to the Soviets and the Western Allies, so occupying Red Army troops in the eastern German town of Brunn were not expecting to witness what may have been World War II’s last dogfight over Europe. Read more

WWII History December 2016

Warriors on Water

By John W. Osborn Jr.

“We were to be terrorists. Our job was to terrorize the Germans,” one former member said dramatically. Read more

WWII History December 2016

Every man an Emperor

By Patrick J. Chaisson

Sergeant William R. Kelly crashed through the treetops, slamming to a stop when his parachute canopy caught on some branches. Read more

WWII History December 2016

The Greatest Disaster

By David H. Lippman

Amid rain, lightning, and dark, the British admiral and American general picked their way through choppy seas to the transport USS McCawley, off the coast of Guadalcanal. Read more

WWII History December 2016

Game Preview: Tank Troopers

By Joseph Luster

Nintendo kicked off September with;
another of its semi-regular Nintendo;
Direct presentations, which are live streams that typically run for an hour and either announce new games or show off fresh footage of upcoming releases. Read more

WWII History December 2016

Game Preview: Raid: World War II

By Joseph Luster

Raid: World War II is part of the limited but exciting resurgence of World War I and II shooters that are on the not-so-distant horizon. Read more