August 2008
WWII History
Fog of War in the Aleutians
By Colonel James W. Hammond, Jr.For decades Americans have been spoiled by the instant coverage of war in the media. Read more
Volume 7, No. 5
Cover: Artist Jack Fellows depicts 348th Fighter Group Commander Neel Kearby downing a Japanese “Oscar” on October 11, 1943. Flying his P-47 Thunderbolt, Kearby had a total of six victories that day and won a Medal of Honor.
August 2008
WWII History
For decades Americans have been spoiled by the instant coverage of war in the media. Read more
August 2008
WWII History
The Allied landings in Normandy on June 6, 1944, produced a bitter struggle for control of the invasion beachhead. Read more
August 2008
WWII History
The first torpedo struck the Shinano carrier farthest aft. Over the next 30 seconds three more warheads detonated against the massive aircraft carrier’s hull, working their way forward. Read more
August 2008
WWII History
Soochow was a mongrel dog with a remarkable gift for self-preservation. A homeless stray, he attached himself to some U.S. Read more
August 2008
WWII History, Editorial
In February of this year, decades after his death on the Pacific island of Ie Shima in 1945, a photo of famed war correspondent Ernie Pyle surfaced. Read more
August 2008
WWII History, Dispatches
Dear Editor:
I wish to commend you for your recent article in the April/May issue on the 761st Tank Battalion. As the first African American armored unit in the history of the U.S. Read more
August 2008
WWII History, Ordnance
Since the end of World War II, the aviation press has made the North American P-51 Mustang into the superstar Allied fighter of the war. Read more
August 2008
WWII History, Profiles
A variety of outstanding weapons and pieces of equipment affected the course of World War II for both the Allies and the Axis powers. Read more
August 2008
WWII History, Top Secret
Nations have often pressed unsavory characters and criminals into service during wartime, rationalizing that such action is in the best interest of the country during extraordinary times. Read more
August 2008
WWII History, Insight
One of the most unusual baseball games ever played was a three- way game in New York City between the New York Yankees, the New York Giants, and the Brooklyn Dodgers. Read more
August 2008
WWII History, Books
During the whole of the Pacific campaign, no single mission was more difficult or challenging than the mission assigned to a unit of American GIs in New Guinea. Read more