Military Heritage

December 2001

Volume 3, No. 3

Cover: Sudanese warriors charge the British infantry square at the Battle of Abu Klea. Painting by William Barnes-Wollen. Courtesy of the National Army Museum.

December 2001

Military Heritage, Communique

Operation at Tarawa

Dear Editor:

I appreciated Bud Hyland’s August 2001 sketch of the scouting forces established by the several services, and can agree in general with his statements about their essential contributions. Read more

Nineteenth-century artist Eugene Delacroix depicted Trajan as a young soldier on his war horse. Trajan had good training as a warrior and fought in many areas of the empire. While in his 30s he skillfully crushed a rebellion on the German frontier. He also held important administrative posts.

December 2001

Military Heritage, Soldiers

Emperor Trajan of Rome

By R. Manning Ancell

The ancient city of Selinus, a major trading center in Cilicia, sat atop a steep outcropping of rock that rises abruptly from the edge of the Mediterranean on the southern coast of Asia Minor, now modern Turkey. Read more

December 2001

Military Heritage, Militaria

Military Board Games

By Peter Suciu

The debate over the outcome of famous battles, or how aspects of them might have happened differently, often begins almost before the wounded have healed or the long-lasting results have been understood. Read more

December 2001

Military Heritage, Books

Hampton Sides’ ‘Ghost Soldiers’

By Lt. Col. Dominic Caraccilo

An unimaginable plight and an insufferable experience is a fitting way to describe the Bataan Death March in the spring of 1942. Read more