By Al Hemingway

It has long been suggested that due to the union’s industrial might and its larger population, the South lost the American Civil War. The Confederacy had better leadership, both military and civilian, some have argued. However, author David Eicher, suggests otherwise.

In his new book, Dixie Betrayed: How the South Really Lost the Civil War (Little, Brown and Co., New York, 2006), Eicher closely examines the newly formed government of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, his cabinet, the Congress, and his generals in the field. Eicher reached the conclusion that meddling on Davis’ part and gross indecision by the Congress lost the conflict for the South.

From the outset, it seems, the Confederate States of America seemed doom. Alexander “Little Aleck” Hamilton Stephens, the South’s new vice president, did not see eye-to-eye with Davis on most matters.

A “world-class hypochondriac,” Stephens and his allies were determined to overthrow Davis “if the South should survive intact.”

Soon after being sworn in as the chief executive, Davis learned of his numerous enemies in Congress. South Carolina delegate Robert Barnwell Rhett, Lawrence M. Keitt, and the surly, hard drinking Howell Cobb were among his worst detractors throughout his term in office. Issues such as conscription, the decision to enlist Blacks in the army, suspension of habeous corpus, and the formation of a Supreme Court, were but a few of the topics that, although endlessly debated, never resulted in any meaningful legislation. Until the very end of the war, with the Yankee Army at the very gates of Richmond, the Congress squabbled over these matters.

The politicians were not the only group to squabble with Davis. Generals P.G.T. Beauregard, Joseph E. Johnston (who said he should be top military commander of the Confederate Army), and Albert Sidney Johnston, were constantly bickering and complaining of their status within the army.

Despite these setbacks, Eicher contends that Davis must shoulder some of the blame for the South’s demise. From the very beginning, he set out to interfere with the war effort. Although a graduate of West Point with military service during the Mexican War, he should have allowed the commanders in the field to make their decisions. It was something President Lyndon Baines Johnson would do a century later during the Vietnam conflict with disasterous results. He also was intensely loyal to his friends. Normally this would be an admirable quality, but it did tremendous damage with his longtime friend but inept leader Braxton Bragg. In spite of the numerous pleas from Congress to relieve him, Davis found excuses to keep his friend in a position of authority.

In the end, however, it was the very thing the South treasured the most that would cause their downfall: state’s rights. During his four-year tenure, Davis had to ward off threats from various states that wanted to succeed from the Confederacy when they felt that their state was being unduly wronged. Georgia and North Carolina were in the forefront. Texas believed she was neglected because of her distance from Richmond, capitol of the Confederacy.

Eicher does a masterful job of weaving the backroom politics and the various military engagements throughout the book. From time to time he points out mistakes in Union President Abraham Lincoln’s cabinet as well. “Honest Abe,” a consummate and much more adroit politican than Davis, was able to solve this bickering by compromise.

“Americans believe in dreams,” writes Eicher. “They caused the Civil War, some have said—different dreams of what the future could be among those in the North and South. The dream of the Confederacy started out with an expectation of nobility and ended cloaked in revisionist elitism. Both dreams contain fantastic, almost unbelievable stories. But the story of what really happened is far more intriguing—and useful. If we are to learn from the history of men, we must be frank about their humanity. Those who led the Confederacy were not gods. They were men, sometimes bold and sometimes weak, sometime shameful and sometimes grand, sometimes selfish, not always sober. Together they formed an imperfect union, and together they destroyed it.”

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That den of misery a little north of Indianapolis known as Camp Morton,” is the way J.K. Womack described it. A Baptist minister and Confederate Civil War veteran, he managed to survive the horrors of that Union prisoner of war camp.

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