German soldiers and tanks on the offensive in Russia during the winter of 1942 move across the snowy landscape of a Russian village. This photo first appeared in Signal, a magazine published for members of the German military.

WWII History September 2004 tag

The German SS at Rzhev: Loyal to Their Deaths

By Ludwig Heinrich Dyck

Early in December 1941, Operation Typhoon, the German drive on Moscow, withered in the face of tenacious Soviet resistance and one of the worst Russian winters in living memory. Read more

A contingent of U.S. Marine Corps intelligence personnel and native scouts shove their canoes off from the coast watchers’ station at Segi, New Guinea, on a routine patrol.

WWII History September 2004 tag

Coast Watchers in the Solomons

by John Brown

Two weeks after Pearl Harbor, coast watcher Cornelius Page, a plantation manager on Tabar Island 20 miles north of New Ireland in the South Pacific, reported by teleradio that Japanese planes were making reconnaissance flights over New Ireland and New Britain. Read more