Military Heritage

October 2001

Volume 3, No. 2

Cover: Napoleon with Murat and Berthier by Horace Vernet. Courtesy of RMN/Art Resource, N. Y.

Noted Napoleonic artist Louis LeJeune painted this extraordinary canvas of the critical attack on the Russian Great Redoubt at the Battle of Borodino.

October 2001

Military Heritage

Napoleon Bonaparte & The 1812 Battle of Borodino

By Jonathan North

At 11 o’clock on the evening of June 23, 1812, the first elements of Napoleon’s mighty army marched on three pontoon bridges over the river Niemen and set foot on Russian soil; the epic invasion of Russia had begun. Read more

The Rajevsky Battery of the Great Redoubt was the key to position. By battle’s end it had been overrun countless times and was covered with dead soldiers.

October 2001

Military Heritage

Russian Earthworks at the Battle of Borodino

by Jonathan North

Although the terrain around the Battle of Borodino presented the Russians with a number of good opportunities for a defensive battle, they further strengthened their positions with hastily constructed earthworks. Read more

Saint Louis, King Louis IX of France receives Robert of Nantes, Patriarch of Jerusalem, in Damietta, Egypt, in June of 1249. Robert is lending his knights to the battle ahead, the Seventh Crusade. Nineteenth century painting by French artist Oscar Gué.

October 2001

Military Heritage

The Battle of Al Mansourah and the Seventh Crusade, 1251

By Douglas Sterling

After a century and a half of efforts—with mixed success—by Western Europe to seize control of the Holy Land, the Seventh Crusade of 1250 led by Louis IX of France was the last best chance to change the political and military situation in the Eastern world before the Reformation. Read more

October 2001

Military Heritage

The Saga of Piyamaradu

By Steven Weingartner

Western Anatolia in the 13th century bc was the main arena for a protracted trial of strength between two vital and aggressive empires, Hatti and Ahhiyawa. Read more

October 2001

Military Heritage, Editorial

Success, and how it is sometimes achieved.

Augustus found Rome brick and left it marble” is an expression pegged to the first of the Roman emperors. And indeed Rome flourished around the time of Christ, erecting magnificent arches and columns, palaces and public buildings, temples and baths, coliseums and aqueducts. Read more

October 2001

Military Heritage, Communique

Admiral Yi Sun Shin

Dear Editor:

I have read some articles in your magazine recently. And especially I was deeply impressed with Eric Niderost’s article on the Imjin War and Admiral Yi Sun Shin (“Turtleboat Destiny,”June 2001). Read more

Soldiers of the 42nd Highlanders maneuver in the jungle during the Ashanti War of 1874. Their general, Garnet Joseph Wolseley, disliked war correspondents but put them to good use.

October 2001

Military Heritage, Intelligence

General Garnet Wolseley & The First War Correspondents

By Harold E. Raugh, Jr.

War correspondents are relatively new to history. The Crimean War (1854-1856), pitting Great Britain, France, Turkey, and Sardinia against Russia, was the first conflict in which an organized effort was made for civilian correspondents reporting news directly to the civilian population of the home country. Read more

Wellington’s artillery commander at Waterloo said that without Henry Shrapnel’s devastating new shell, Allied forces could not have taken a key position on the battlefield.

October 2001

Military Heritage, Weapons

Henry Shrapnel & The Battle of Waterloo

by Robert Whiter

“And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air …”

That, as most people know, is a line from the American national anthem, words by Francis Scott Key, to the tune of Anacreon in Heaven by John Stafford Smith. Read more

Westmoreland decorates the standard of a fighting unit in Vietnam. He left the country in 1968.

October 2001

Military Heritage, Soldiers

Soldier Profiles: General William C. Westmoreland

By Blaine Taylor

In 1989, this writer had occasion to interview four-star General William Childs Westmoreland, now 86, formerly U.S. military commander in South Vietnam and at the time of the interview a retired Chief of Staff of the Army. Read more

A Japanese POW commander (Sessue Hayakawa) and a British colonel (Alec Guinness) conduct a battle of wills in The Bridge On the River Kwai.

October 2001

Military Heritage, Militaria

Military Films

By Blaine Taylor

From earliest recorded history to yesterday, it is now possible to trace virtually all major human conflicts on videotapes and DVDs through both rental and purchase. Read more

October 2001

Military Heritage, Books

John S.D. Eisenhower’s ‘Yanks’

By Lt. Col. Dominic J. Caraccilo

The Free Press continues to provide top-quality and original military history with Yanks: The Epic Story of the American Army in World War I (by John S.D. Read more

October 2001

Military Heritage, Simulation Gaming

The Real Deal

By Eric T. Baker

World War II Online™ is both the best and worst simulation of WWII combat ever created for the PC. Read more