Military Heritage

December 2000

Volume 2, No. 3

COVER: Jacomin Murat, one of Napoleon Bona- part’s great cavalry lead- ers, fought France’s ene- mies in North Africa and the Middle East. (AKG)

December 2000

Military Heritage

The Ambitious Vietnam Operation

By Victor Kamenir

By January 1967, the buildup of Communist forces in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) convinced Gen. William Westmoreland that a large-scale incursion by North Vietnam’s People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) was only a matter of time. Read more

Russian Tsar Peter I leads his troops against the Swedish forces of King Charles XII in this oil painting of the 1709 Battle of Poltava by Ivan Alexeyevich Vladimirov (1869-1947).

December 2000

Military Heritage

The Battle of Poltava and the Birth of Modern Russia

By Kelly Bell

More than 300 years ago Russia was a supine giant convulsing internally from factionalism, making it difficult to resist hostile incursions, until 23-year-old Crown Prince Peter I ascended to the tsarist throne in 1696. Read more

December 2000

Military Heritage

Return to Leyte

By David H. Lippman

Apprised of an approaching LCM full of VIPs, the beachmaster surveyed his busy dock full of ships loading and unloading troops and supplies at Red Beach on the Philippine island of Leyte. Read more

December 2000

Military Heritage

The Battle of Corinth

By Robert L. Durham

In the fall of 1862, Confederate armies were making their first and only coordinated effort to carry the war into the North. Read more

December 2000

Military Heritage

From Raw Recruit to Seasoned Trooper

By Eric Niderost

Robert Morris Peck was strolling the streets of Cincinnati one brisk November day when a yellow poster outside a boarding house caught his eye. Read more

December 2000

Military Heritage, Editorial

The War Of Twists And Turns.

War is a terrible thing to study, but under the assumption that fresh ones are in the offing, such study is at least instructive and at best useful. Read more

December 2000

Military Heritage, Uniform

11th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment, 1916

Headgear: The steel Brodie helmet became standard by July 1916.

Uniform: Khaki woolen 1902 Pattern Service Dress Tunic and Trousers.

Gas Mask: His gas mask, called a gas helmet, is in a canvas bag slung under his left arm. Read more

December 2000

Military Heritage, Games

Heliborne Enhanced Edition

By Joseph Luster

Developer and publisher Klabater’s Heliborne first took to the skies back in 2017, eventually paving the way for an enhanced edition. Read more

December 2000

Military Heritage, Games

Besiege: The Splintered Sea

By Joseph Luster

Spiderling Studios first launched physics building war game Besiege on Steam in February 2020, bringing with it plenty of ways to challenge both the computer and likeminded players in simulation combat. Read more