German Alpine troops relax at a table in a small Bulgarian town. Hitler’s Eastern European allies were restive at times, requiring action on the part of the Fuhrer to keep them in line.

WWII History July 2006

King Boris III of Bulgaria

By Blaine Taylor

It was the high summer of 1943 in Eastern Europe, and World War II was going decidedly against the Third Reich, which had just suffered massive twin defeats on the Russian Front at the Battles of Stalingrad and Kursk, which many historians now believe turned the tide of war irrevocably against Nazi Germany. Read more

A young French woman carries a captured German weapon and moves with a comrade alongside a building in Paris.

WWII History July 2006

Important Women in World War 2: Virginia Hall

By Michael D. Hull

Slender, five feet, seven inches tall, and with a warm smile that belied toughness and leadership ability, Virginia “Dindy” Hall of Baltimore had a wooden leg and a price on her head. Read more