August 2008
Military Heritage
The Penobscot Expedition: A Terrible Day for the Patriots
By William H. LangenbergBy early 1779, the American Revolution had been under way for more than three years, with no end in sight. Read more
Volume 10, No. 1
COVER: John Gilbert’s 1890 painting Onward depicts a victorious medieval knight on horseback. Courtesy of The Bridgeman Art Library/©Manchester Art Gallery, UK.
August 2008
Military Heritage
By early 1779, the American Revolution had been under way for more than three years, with no end in sight. Read more
August 2008
Military Heritage
As the last days of 1943 slipped away, World War II in Italy ground to a miserable stalemate. Read more
August 2008
Military Heritage
After critical victories at Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Chattanooga in 1863, the Union high command had ambitious plans for the Civil War’s vast western theater in the spring of 1864. Read more
August 2008
Military Heritage
Indolent, weak-willed, and prone to periodic fits of madness, King Henry VI had let England slide downhill since coming of age in 1437. Read more
August 2008
Military Heritage
A little over five centuries ago, a guru named Nanak founded a new faith among the Hindu communities that farmed the rich agricultural areas of northern India known as the Punjab, the Land of the Five Rivers. Read more
August 2008
Military Heritage, Editorial
Among the thousands of American soldiers slogging through the miserable winter of 1944 in southern Italy after the Allied landing at Anzio were two GIs who existed only on paper, but who became as real to their readers as the mud-covered, K-ration-eating guys sitting next to them in their foxholes. Read more
August 2008
Military Heritage, Weapons
During the era in which the Krag Jorgensen rifle came into its own, an arms race was in effect among the nations of Europe. Read more
August 2008
Military Heritage, Intelligence
By the 1870s, the agitation for Irish independence, already centuries old, had spread to America. The revolutionary Irish Republican Brotherhood, known as the Fenians, began organizing thousands of Irish immigrants trained on both sides during the recent Civil War into its own army. Read more
August 2008
Military Heritage, Soldiers
On April 1, 1811, one-eyed General Mikhail Kutuzov arrived in the Romanian capital of Bucharest to take command of Russia’s Moldavian army. Read more
August 2008
Military Heritage, Militaria
The American Civil War may well have been the first major conflict in which soldiers felt the need to wear some sort of a personal identification badge in the event that they were killed or wounded in battle. Read more
August 2008
Military Heritage, Books
When historians discuss the American Revolution, they give scant attention to the hard fighting that occurred in the southern states. Read more