Warsaw Uprising

Heroic Warsaw Airlift

By Patrick J. Chaisson

Warsaw was burning. Captain Jack Van Eyssen first saw it as a dull glow on the night horizon, 35 miles distant. Read more

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill inspects Polish troops at Tentsmuir, Scotland, in October 1940. To Churchill’s right is Polish leader in exile Wladyslaw Sikorski.

Warsaw Uprising

Stanislaw Sosabowski: Poland’s Premier Paratrooper

By Tom Aiello, Ph.D

Stanislaw Sosabowski started his military career in the anti-Hapsburg Polish underground movement in 1907, served in the Austrian Army in World War I, and rose to the command of the Polish Parachute Brigade in World War II. Read more

Warsaw Uprising

April 2013 World War II Games

By Joseph Luster

Developed by DMD Enterprise, an independent developer established in Warsaw, Poland, Uprising 44: The Silent Shadows is the kind of work that exemplifies “rough around the edges.” Read more